Monday, September 29, 2008

Outrage of the Day

House republicans are blaming the bailout failure on a speech Nancy Pelosi gave prior to the vote. According to Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH): ""We could have gotten here today had it not been for a partisan speech on the floor of the House."

Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? House republicans decided to kill the bill because Nancy Pelosi said some mean things about them? The economy is tanking and the reason the republicans give for failing to provide the votes they promised to (and McCain claimed credit for delivering earlier in the day) is that the Speaker of the House said some partisan things? What the fuck? That's one of the most reckless and appalling justifications I've ever heard. The bill may be crap (probably is), but have the balls to say it. Don't spout some baby bullshit that you voted against the most important bill of the year because your feelings were hurt. Just disgusting.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Don't hold back, baby. :-)